18 March 2016

Roman's 6 Month Pics

My baby!  My baby is six months old and I can barely believe it.  With Gavin, it seemed like there was this huge build up to his "half birthday" and, to be honest, there was because we had a party with a halved cake and everything.  With Ro, all of a sudden he's six months.  Wasn't he born last week?!  Sorry little buddy, no party but we love you just as much!

01 March 2016

Seniors // James

Before we landed at our current church home, we were a part of a wonderful church family much father from our house.  We are still in touch with many of them and our pastor has been with our family through surgeries and baptism.  This past weekend, I had the privilege of photographing his oldest son, James, for his seniors pictures.  It was kind of hard to believe when they contacted me since we've known them for almost five years.  Time sure does fly!  Best of luck to you next year, James, as you head out into this next stage of your life!